大賞:ビビ・アイシャ(18)。夫の暴力のため婚家から逃れて家族のもとへ戻ろうとしたアフガニスタンの女性。タリバンの司令官によって夫からの逃亡罪を言い渡され、罰として夫の兄弟に押さえつけられ、夫によって耳と鼻を切り落とされた。捨てられていたところを援助活動家と米軍によって助けられ、撮影後米国に渡り顔の再建手術を受けた。現在は米国在住。 Jodi Bieber, South Africa, Institute for Artist Management/Goodman Gallery for Time
A shocking report prepared by Russia’s Federal Atomic Energy Agency (FAAE) on information provided to them by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) states that the Obama regime has ordered a “total and complete” news blackout relating to any information regarding the near catastrophic meltdown of the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant located in Nebraska.
According to this report, the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant suffered a “catastrophic loss of cooling” to one of its idle spent fuel rod pools on 7 June after this plant was deluged with water caused by the historic flooding of the Missouri River which resulted in a fire causing the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) to issue a “no-fly ban” over the area.
Located about 20 minutes outside downtown Omaha, the largest city in Nebraska, the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant is owned by Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) who on their website denies their plant is at a “Level 4” emergency by stating: “This terminology is not accurate, and is not how emergencies at nuclear power plants are classified.”
Russian atomic scientists in this FAAE report, however, say that this OPPD statement is an “outright falsehood” as all nuclear plants in the world operate under the guidelines of the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) which clearly states the “events” occurring at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant do, indeed, put it in the “Level 4” emergency category of an “accident with local consequences” thus making this one of the worst nuclear accidents in US history.
Though this report confirms independent readings in the United States of “negligible release of nuclear gasses” related to this accident it warns that by the Obama regimes censoring of this event for “political purposes” it risks a “serious blowback” from the American public should they gain knowledge of this being hidden from them.
Interesting to note about this event was the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chief, Gregory B. Jaczko, blasting the Obama regime just days before the near meltdown of the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant by declaring that “the policy of not enforcing most fire code violations at dozens of nuclear plants is “unacceptable” and has tied the hands of NRC inspectors.”
This report further notes that the “cover-up” of this nuclear disaster by President Obama is being based on his “fantasy” of creating so-called green jobs which he (strangely) includes nuclear power into as his efforts to bankrupt the US coal industry proceed at a record breaking pace.
Unknown to the American people about Obama’s “war” on the US coal industry is it’s estimated to cost them over a 60% increase in their electricity bills by 2014 and cause over 250,000 jobs to be lost in an already beleaguered economy.
More ominous for those American people whose lives depend on the coal industry that is being deliberately destroyed is the Obama regime’s massive “security exercise” currently ongoing in the major coal mining States of Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia, and as we can read about, in part, as reported by InfoWars.Com:
“If you’re still living under the delusion that the TSA is just restricted to airports then think again. A joint VIPR “security exercise” involving military personnel has Transportation Security Administration workers covering 5,000 miles and three states, illustrating once again how the TSA is turning into a literal occupying army for domestic repression in America.
The TSA, in alliance with a whole host of federal, state, local agencies as well as military personnel, is currently conducting a massive “security exercise” throughout Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia.
“The participating teams are composed of a variety of TSA assets including federal air marshals, canine teams, inspectors and bomb appraisal officers. They will be joined by state and local law enforcement officials to supplement existing resources, provide detection and response capabilities. The exercise will utilize multiple airborne assets, including Blackhawk helicopters and fixed wing aircraft as well as waterborne and surface teams,” reports the Marietta Times.
Although the exercise is couched in serious rhetoric about preparedness, it relates to “no specific threat” and the details are nebulous to say the least and seems to revolve around little else than testing out high-tech surveillance equipment and reminding Americans who their bosses are.”
Obama’s fears of the American people turning against nuclear power, should its true dangers be known, appear to be valid as both Germany and Italy (whose people, unlike the Americans, have been told the truth) have turned against it after the disaster in Japan and vowed to close all of their atomic plants.
Perhaps even more sadly for the American people is this report stating that the Obama regime is “walking in lockstep” with Japan in their attempts to keep the truth of nuclear accidents from their citizens; which in the case of the Japanese can only be labeled as horrific as new evidence points to them knowing within hours of the Great Tsunami that their atomic reactors had melted down, but have only today ordered an evacuation of pregnant women from what are called “radiation hotspots.”
With a country that some scientists are now warning may soon become uninhabitable due to radiation damage, and with reports of mutant rabbits and radioactive whales now being reported, one wonders if in knowing the truth the American people would really want to follow Japan’s “example” instead of those people in Germany and Italy?
But, with an already documented 35% increase in the infant mortality rate for American mothers living in the western coastal regions of the US caused by radiation blowing onto them from Japan being ignored by these people there doesn’t seem to be much hope for them. (The EU Times)
権威ある米誌「ネーション」電子版が報じたところによると、ロシア連邦原子力局(FAAE)はIAEAから提供された情報をもとに、米ネブラスカ州の「フォート・キャリフーン原発」が6月7日、「使用済み燃料プール」のうちの一基で「破局的な冷却喪失(catastrophic loss of cooling)」事故を起こし、「破局的なメルトダウンの近づいている(the near catastrophic meltdown )」ことを明らかにした。
FAAEはまた、同原発が「破局的なメルトダウンの近づいている」事態に関し、オバマ政権が「完全かつ完璧な報道禁止(a “total and complete” news blackout)」を命令したことも明らかにした。
regacy of ashesというブログから転載。
『イギリスとドイツは壷の中の二つの豆のようにマインドコントロールを分け合った。彼らの兄弟団は(アドルフ・シュタイナー<ドイツ>とウイン・ウエスコット<英国>を軸とする)黄金の夜明け結社(Order of Golden Dawn)と黄金の曙ヘルメス教団を通してこれらの二つの団を結合させた。この秘密結社は多くのナチス党員とイギリス貴族社会を構成した。この秘密結社こそが黒魔術(サタン)なのである。
ポーランドの大統領直属諜報部に喰い込み”将軍”に相当する地位にあったある反共主義者は,「H・キッシンジャーは,第二次大戦中,ドイツに駐留していた米国陸軍の軍曹時代,ODRAとして知られている特別グループに入れられていたソ連のエージェントだった」と指摘している。彼はKGB(ソ連諜報部)とGRU(ソ連軍諜報部)のスパイや士官などの名簿を整備する仕事の責任者であった。(管理人注:ある人物がある人間を引き上げ徴用するには条件がある。それは絶対的忠誠心をその人間が雇用主にたいして生涯維持することができるかどうかである。ロスチャイルドがネルソン・ロックフェラーに命じたのはキッシンジャーを雇う条件として「彼が奴隷のように従順な性格を持っているか?」という一点のみである。恩義ではない恐怖心とそれをこえるものの実験がなされた。ナチの「死の天使」と呼ばれたヨセフ・メンゲレ博士のBreak Even Point(これ以上超えると発狂するポイント)による拷問であった。ヘンリーはこれにパスした。